Compression socks during sports activity

When you think of compression socks, you will most likely think of athletes, nurses, or people dealing with varicose veins and after-surgery recovery. So, what do all these people have in common to benefit from this one product?
The main purpose of compression socks is to improve blood flow and reduce leg swelling. However, compression socks can benefit you so much more than just that. Compression socks will benefit anyone who puts excess pressure onto their feet – standing, exercising, running, cycling, etc.
Being a nurse puts a lot of pressure onto the feet. Nurses’ shifts are long and consist of a lot of standing and running up and down the hallways. Especially in alert situations and pandemics such as the one we are facing in 2020.
On the other hand, patients in recovery often choose compression garments to fixate some part of their healing body. Fixations keep the body in one place helping it heal faster and preventing more injuries. The healing body also tends to swell while recovering, and compression keeps the swelling under control.
Thinking of all these benefits combined, athletes choose compression to protect themselves from injuries and to improve endurance and performance. Let’s see some of the benefits of compression socks for athletes.
Compression socks during sports activities
Choosing compression as one of the key parts of sporting gear for athletes is not a secret. Many compression garment industries specialize in sports gear because of the high demand on the market. But why do athletes swear by compression socks?
Dedicating to sports and physical activity is not easy. Professional athletes must push themselves over their limits every training to stay in condition and become better. Amateur athletes, such as marathon runners also push themselves to achieve dreams and become better. Every now and then, without specialized gear such as compression, athletes will suffer injuries, muscle cramps, or have a hard time recovering from hard training.

Here are some of the problem athletes experience:
- Muscle cramps
- Shin splints
- Varicose veins
- Achilles
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Blood clots
Why do athletes get muscle cramps?
Athletes get muscle cramps for two main reasons.
The first is fatigued muscles that are overly used and forced over the limit. The exertion of the same muscle group on daily basis can tire them and affect their performance.
Another reason is found in the decreased level of electrolytes caused by excess sweating.
Runners often experience muscle cramps especially during longer and more physically demanding situations such as marathons. Training a lot before a marathon constantly puts pressure on the legs. Even if you know how to evenly divide the pressure and how to organize your training not to push yourself too much, you can get muscle cramps. And the last thing a runner wishes for in a marathon is to get a muscle cramp.
So, how to prevent muscle cramps during a marathon?
Compression socks can help prevent leg cramps by squeezing the leg evenly and taking the pressure off the legs and the muscles. Many professional runners say they would never forget their favorite pair of compression socks for the big run because they want to make sure they stay protected and supported during the run.
Compression socks for shin splints
Shin splints are another sign of fatigue in legs and overstressing the bones and the muscles often found in athletes and runners. A shin splint is a pain alongside the shinbone after too much physical activity.

So, how to run without getting shin splints? Once again, compression socks can help prevent shin splints by fixating the leg and giving it the support, it needs to cope with the pressure. Compression socks for shin splints can be used as a prevention or in the early stages of shin splint development. When the problems have not yet become severe, compression can help minimize it and prevent developing into a bigger problem.
Compression socks for Achilles
Athletes often choose compression socks for Achilles tendonitis. However, the common use is prevention and assistance during recovery alongside doctor’s recommendations and/or remedies. Compression socks cannot cure injuries, but they can be very helpful in preventing them.
If you suffered an injury before your big run and did not have time to fully recover, compression socks can help you overcome the ache. Of course, you should never train unrecovered, but with any minor aches that are not dangerous to your health, compression can help you deal with them.
Compression socks for sports recovery
Many athletes choose to wear compression socks for sports recovery, and not only during the activity. Compression encourages the blood to get to the heart quicker and thus speeds up the recovery process. According to, a recent study has shown that consistent use of compression dilates the veins which increase the blood flow. More blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients in our body, as they say, which encourages a quicker recovery.
How to improve running endurance?
Running endurance can be improved with the use of compression socks. Having a graduated compression sock or another type of compression can help you divide the pressure you put on your legs making it more comfortable and easier to run for a longer time. Compression will also help you avoid injuries, muscle cramps, and aches, all of which are often the reasons we stop or cannot do more.
Cycling compression socks
Cyclists also put a lot of pressure on their legs and calves. Cycling compression socks are a must if cyclists want to avoid experiencing often cramps and aches. Compression socks can improve the quality of cycling to a noticeable level.

Compression socks can help prevent leg cramps while cycling, improve cycling endurance, and fight away cycling muscle cramps.
By promoting healthy blood flow, the socks will reduce the stress level in your calves and legs helping them deal better with the pressure put on them. Cycling muscle cramps can be a dangerous experience if you are at full speed on an unsafe road. A cyclist who suddenly gets a muscle cramp can easily lose control over his bike.
Lifting the pressure of the legs and preventing muscle fatigue, you are also improving your endurance. Compression can help you cycle longer, and with less ache. So, if you want to prevent leg cramps while cycling and rock your cycling endurance, consider getting a pair of compression socks.
What are the best athletic compression socks?
The best athletic compression socks that we can recommend are Skineez Advanced Healing Compression and Active Medical Grade Compression Socks. Both products are a part of a collection specially designed for athletes, amateur or professional, and others who live healthy lives.
Recommended socks are those up to 20-30 mmHg compression socks. Any higher compression would be too tight and should not be used on your own, only recommended by a doctor. We think the best levels of compression are from 10-20 mmHg compression socks because they provide you with enough tightness but will still feel nice and comfortable on your legs.

Skineez Active Medical Grade Compression Socks are 10-25 mmHg level of compression. This is a light level the best for occasional sportspersons and amateur athletes. These socks are breathable compression socks infused with 6 different skincare ingredients to stimulate healthy skin and open pores.
For more frequent sports activities, preparing for long or hard runs such as marathons or sprints, the best option is the Skineez Advanced Healing Compression which is at the level 10-20mmHg. A slightly tighter compression will keep you safe, protect you, and help you prepare better for your goals.