Women's Health and Peripheral Neuropathy

by Elyssa Conley

March is Women's History Month. We will be sharing an article each week in honor of women. This week, we are exploring Women's Health and Peripheral Neuropathy, although this condition applies to men as well.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy results from damage to the peripheral nerves, which often causes weakness, numbness, pain, and tingling, most often in the hands and feet; however, it can affect other parts of the body.

There are more than 100 types of peripheral Neuropathy. Each has its different symptoms and outlook, but they fall into four categories: Motor neuropathy, Sensory Neuropathy, Autonomic nerve neuropathy, and Combination neuropathies.

What causes peripheral neuropathy?
There are many causes of peripheral neuropathy. Some of the most common reasons are diabetes, traumatic injuries, cancer treatment, autoimmune diseases, and more. You can read more about the causes of neuropathy here.

Can compression socks help with neuropathy?
Compression garments will not cure neuropathy, but they help ease the burning, throbbing, and sharp pain in your legs. The compression material applies pressure to your limbs, increasing blood circulation and reduces cramping and they can even help with temperature sensitivity. Compression socks can help, but you should follow your doctor's advice for managing your neuropathy.

What are some other considerations with compression socks for neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy causes numbness, and the discomfort makes it hard to detect something like a crease in the fabric that can cause irritation or even a blister that could lead to an infection.

  • Ensure that your socks are smooth against your skin and stay in place.
  • Check your stockings regularly for blood; in the event of an injury, you can treat the wound right away.
  • Dry skin is much more susceptible to getting injured. Skineez® infuses all of our products with deep nourishing, skin-reparative moisturizers that help heal and protect your skin.

    What makes Skineez® the best compression for peripheral neuropathy?
    Skineez® uses a patented microencapsulation technology in our fabrics. The unique weave of the fabric holds in the moisturizing infusion. This process creates small modules in the material, which micro-massage your skin as you wear the compression garments. This process also allows for the slow release of all skin-protectant ingredients.

    You can rest easy wearing Skineez® because we are the only FDA-Cleared and clinically proven compression, which means that Skineez® is safe and effective!

    Skineez® offers a variety of compression products. In addition to the compression stocking, we have diabetic socks, compression sleeves, and gloves. All of Skineez® products are infused with these ingredients to hydrate your skin: Shea butter, Apricot Kernel Oil, Retinol, and more. The first layer of protection for your skin and ease from the pain


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